Friday, May 9, 2008

Remember That One Time . . . Pink Guy

Do you ever have those moments where you look at something or you smell something and it triggers a long lost memory? Well . . . that just happened to me. I was looking at this fancy little blog of mine and thought - there sure is a whole lot of pink on this page and then all of a sudden I found myself laughing out loud at a memory:

Two summers ago my sister, Amy, and I were working at the same law firm. We had just gone out for lunch and we were driving back to the office when I spotted him - the Pink Guy! He was walking down 400 South dressed head to toe in pink. Now when I say head to toe - that's what I mean, no exaggerating - head to toe! At first I thought he was a clown or one of those cell phone guys that try to convince you to come in to buy a cell phone. But the Pink Guy didn't have a clown car or a cell phone sign. He was just a pink guy. I shouted at Amy - hey look at that pink guy! I think I startled her a little bit because she almost ran right into him. We got about a block down the road and decided that we needed to turn around and get a picture of him because it's not everyday you see the Pink Guy. We snuck up right behind him and started flashing away with our cell phones. We got a picture of everything - his pink hat, pink hair, pink lipstick, pink clothes, pink purse, pink flip flops, pink toe nails - everything. Now, I know what you're thinking - gosh you girls are mean! But I happen to think that we are not mean girls - we stayed in our car and did not bother him directly and besides it's not everyday you see the Pink Guy, remember? Well we went back to the office and told everybody about our little paparazzi experience, and much like this post, the actual experience was much, much funnier. :)

Anyway - those cell phone pictures have since been deleted so I decided to google the Pink Guy and I actually found a blog that was dedicated to . . . ta da! . . . the Pink Guy! (yay) It hasn't been updated recently, but it's still there and makes me happy inside just knowing that other people took pictures of the Pink Guy too.

I heart you Pink Guy!

1 reader comments:

Brittney & Morgan said...

Beks I love that you have a blog. I have seen that guy before! How are you? When are we going out to dinner?