Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Last night while I was text-chatting with my good friend Brittney Bell Thompson, the subject of cruises came up. I couldn't believe that I had neglected to mention to her that I am going on a cruise in September. She asked me who was going so I thought I'd put together a little roster for her, and the rest of you, to look at. I also put a count down on the side of this page so everyone can be just as excited as I am. :)

First, I've got last year's cruise roster
And this year's cruise roster

Let me know if you want to come next year. :)

4 reader comments:

Anonymous said...

What is up with inviting random people????? Boo!

Arin and Troy said...

I'm so jealous...

Ryan and Amy Harvey said...

Where in the crap is the, To be continued... , on Hank? You can't just leave us hanging.

Josh said...

Seriously though! Maybe someone should mold a small fat sculpture out of clay and that way you can at least take a mini-Josh on the cruise. Slighlty creepy, but what cruise isn't improved with a little Josh.