Friday, April 17, 2009

The Beetle

Real Time Update!

There is a ginormous beetle in my office right now. I tried to catch it in a cup but every time I get close to it, it runs away and then I get scared and jump up on my chair. Then my bosses laugh at me. This has happened five times already, and no, not one of them has offered to get the beetle for me, they are having too much fun laughing at me for that. I really, really hate bugs - they freak me all the way out. You know the scene in Temple of Doom where Kate Capshaw has to walk through all of the bugs and they get in her hair and crawl all over her? Yeah - I hate that part.

Wish me luck.

2 reader comments:

KateMarie said...

Which is worse to let it live or to hear the crunching sound its delicate, yet hard external shell makes under your foot?

Did you get it yet?

Staci said...

Good luck. However, I've got a plot a brewin. Why don't you ask the lawyers if you can call a bug spray company and then ask them to send their cutest bug sprayer and then you can put on your "Bekah Charm" and bug and a date! I am so freakin' smart!