Monday, July 28, 2008


I stole this from Brittney Bell - I think it's such a fun idea. Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.

8 reader comments:

Brittney & Morgan said...

Well I have many! Two that stand out to me are...
1. When I was so sad and trying to decide if I should go home. You came down with a little note that had two scriptures and a note to not make any plans for later. Then you took Kevin (Who was also having a bad day) and I bowling with our other friends. I still have that note in my scriptures! No Lie!
2. When we decided to get rid of all of our rated R movies (you had more than me) We gathered them all and took them over to the boys house. We were so proud of ourselves. Dang we were so good once. What the hell happened!
3. When you and I made funeral potatoes for the Farm boys for Sunday dinner.
4. All of the mean things we did to Jamie and always making fun of Shallys and the weird relationship she had with her cousin!
You and I were such a pair!

Arin and Troy said...
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Arin and Troy said...

Ok, I had to laugh out loud when I read Brittney's post because I find it hilarious that in your effort to be better people and not watch rated R movies, you guys didnt just throw them away, you gave them to someone else to watch! Too funny! P.S. Bekah, be sure to reassure Brittney that I am not being judgemental at all, you know some of my favorite movies in the world are rated R! "She hasn't returned your phone calls, she hasn't responded to any of your letters, she didn't respond to the candygram. God knows what happened to the kitten you got for her. 'Cause she didn't keep it, and I know you're not raising the goddamn thing. I think it's very obvious at this juncture that she just flat out does not wanna see you."

Anyways, my memory...I have plenty to choose from, but the memory that instantly came to mind when I started the statement, "Do you remember that time..." was this:

Bekah works up the courage and timidly says: "Hey Arin, do you remember that time I let you borrow money to buy that shirt at Target? Do you think maybe you could pay me back?"

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Seriously, just remembering that I can't stop laughing!!!

Vanderlinden Clan said...

well, you actually don't know about this memory, but it's still a big deal around our house. Remember when you left your jeep here? Well, Sam almost crashed Pete's truck into it. Pete had to move his truck and was backing it into the driveway. Sam was sitting next to him (not in his car seat for just backing the truck in), and he pushed his foot on the gas while Pete was looking over his shoulder & backing up. Pete literally slammed on the brakes and threw it into park so it didn't hit your jeep. It was actually a pretty close call; so close we had skid marks in our driveway for quite some time. It made quite an impact on Sam; he still will say at random times "I sorry I pushed Daddy's brakes. I not ever ever do that again!" So thanks for the memory; it's one that Sam will have for a long time. That's how he learned to NEVER EVER push the pedals in a car. Thankfully no damage was done; that would've been a much worse memory if he actually would've backed into your precious jeep. :)

The Stubbs said...

A few things that I remember about Bekah...
Late nights at Andy and Tawnies last summer...movies, card games, my children's obsession with your pink cell phone, lunch out with you and Tawn and Hailey's deep love for Hank.

Brittney said...

The random memory I have from Snow is how you would always put up with me reading late at night with the light on while you were on the top bunk-right next to the blinding bulb. I'm sure you secretly hated me for it!:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude!! Well I gots quite a wide variety of fabulous memories of your smilin face. The one that comes to mind instantly is our slight obsession of those fabuloust tastey treats at the Village Baker! I love that you mailed me one in the mail. So nummy in my mouth!!

NickWest said...

NO BRAKES!!! NO BRAKES!!!! ha ha ha enough said