Sunday, June 6, 2010

Closet Case

Brittney has been asking me to post pictures of my closet for a couple of months now. So, here you go. :) I don't have anything clever to say. I think the pictures speak for themselves.


6 reader comments:

Jaime Van Hoose Steele said...

Every girls dream! I love your closet! I still don't know how you keep track of what shoes you have though.

Arin and Troy said...

One of the most obvious signs that we were meant to be friends is that you also color coordinate the clothes in your closet. I even try to do Troy's, but I have learned it is a losing battle.

Juli said...

Great closet! I wish mine was that organized.

Brittney & Morgan said...

You are right...The pictures speak for themselves!

Pete said...

bekah- i think you have a sickness. but it's a sickness i wish i could have.

Bekah said...

Hey it's Bekah. I love your closet it's amazing!!!!!